Zoltán Lóránt Nagy
This page is also available in
Hungarian .
I am the head of the ELTE Linear Hypergraphs Research Group
Previously I was a research fellow at the MTA-ELTE Geometric and Algebraic Combinatorics Research Group.
My PhD students
Benedek Kovács(2022-)
Zoltán Paulovics (2020-) - together with Csaba Csapodi
Department of Computer Science
Eötvös Loránd University
H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány P. sétány 1/C.
and List of Publications
Teaching, informations for Students (in Hungarian):
Véges Matematika 2 (Discrete Maths 2 for teachers)
Combinatorial Problem solving and Research Seminar
Combi on ArXiv Last week seminar
Last semester
Véges Matematika 1 EA (Discrete Maths 1. Lecture for teachers)
Véges Matematika 1 Gyak (Discrete Maths I. Practical course)
Combinatorial Problem solving and Research Seminar
previous years: 2006-2008. Geometry (practical course, I-II-III.), 2008-2015. Discrete Maths I-II. (BCS / MSC), 2015-17. Algebra & Number theory
Girls Math Olympiad problems for preparation
(in Hungarian)
Research interest: Extremal/probabilistic graph theory, finite geometry, polynomials over finite fields and their crossroads
PhD dissertation titled Applications of the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz
1) A. Gács, T. Héger, Z. L. Nagy and D. Pálvölgyi, Permutations,
hyperplanes and polynomials over finite fields, Finite Fields and Applications, 16 (2010),
301-314. pdf
2) Z. L. Nagy, A Multipartite Version of the Turan Problem
- Density Conditions and Eigenvalues, The Electronic J. Combinatorics, Vol
18(1), P46, (2011) 15pp. pdf
3) Z. Király, Z. L. Nagy, D. Pálvölgyi, M. Visontai: On families of weakly
cross-intersecting set-pairs, Fundamenta Informaticae Vol 117 (1-4) (2012), 189-198.
4) P. Csikvári, Z. L. Nagy: The Density Turán problem, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, Vol 21 (4) , (2012), 531-553. pdf
5) Z. L. Nagy, L. Özkahya, B. Patkós, M. Vizer: On the ratio of maximum and minimum degree in
maximal intersecting families, Discrete Mathematics Vol 313, (2) , (2013), 207 - 211. pdf
6) A. Grzesik, M. Mikalacki, Z. L. Nagy, A. Naor, B. Patkós, F. Skerman: Avoider-Enforcer star games, The Seventh European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications. Scuola Normale Superiore, (2013) 375-379.
7) Z. L. Nagy: Permutations over cyclic groups, European J. Combinatorics , 41C, (2014), 68-78. pdf
8) Gy. Károlyi, Z. L. Nagy: A simple proof of the Zeilberger - Bressoud q-Dyson theorem, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), 3007-3011 pdf
9) Gy. Károlyi, Z. L. Nagy, F. Petrov, V. Volkov: A new approach to constant term identities and Selberg-type integrals, Advances in Mathematics 277 (2015) 252-282 pdf
10) A. Grzesik, M. Mikalacki, Z. L. Nagy, A. Naor, B. Patkós, F. Skerman: Avoider-Enforcer star games, DMTCS , 17:1 , (2015) 145-160. pdf
11) Y. Kim, M. Kumbhat, Z.L. Nagy, B. Patkós, A. Pokrovskiy, M. Vizer: Identifying codes and searching with balls in graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 193, (2015), 39-47. pdf
12) Z. L. Nagy, B. Patkós: On the number of maximal intersecting k-uniform families and further applications of Tuza's set pair method, Electronic J. Combinatorics. 22(1) P1.83 (2015) 10pp pdf
13) Z. L. Nagy: Density version of the Ramsey problem and the
directed Ramsey problem, Australasian J. Combinatorics 66 (2016) 240-255 pdf
14) Z. L. Nagy, On the number of k-dominating independent sets, accepted at J. Graph Theory, 84(4), (2017) 566-580. pdf
15) T. Héger, Z. L. Nagy, Dominating sets in projective planes, J. Combinatorial Designs, 25(7), (2017) 293-309. pdf
16) Z. L. Blázsik, Z. L. Nagy, Partition dimension of projective planes, European J. Combinatorics, 65, (2017) 37-44. pdf
17) Z. L. Nagy, Saturating sets in projective planes and hypergraph covers, Discrete Mathematics, 341, (2018) 1078-1083. pdf
18) Z. L. Nagy, Coupon-Coloring and total domination in
Hamiltonian planar triangulations, Graphs and Combinatorics 34(6), (2018) 1385-1394 pdf
19) J. Barát, Z. L. Nagy, Transversals in generalized Latin squares, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 16(1), (2019) 39-47. pdf
20) Z. L. Nagy, Supersaturation of C_4: from Zarankiewicz towards
Erdős-Simonovits-Sidorenko, European J. Combinatorics 75, (2019) 19-31. pdf
21) G. Damásdi, L. Martínez-Sandoval, D. T. Nagy Z. L. Nagy, Triangle areas determined by arrangements of planar lines, Discrete Mathematics
343(12), (2019) pdf
22) A. Grzesik, O. Janzer, Z. L. Nagy, The Turán number of blow-ups of trees, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B., (2022) pdf Vol. 156, Pages 299-309
23) Z. L. Blázsik, Z. L. Nagy, Spreading linear triple systems and expander triple systems, European J. Combinatorics, (2019) 89, pdf
24) Z. L. Blázsik, A. Blokhuis, S. Miklavic, Z. L. Nagy, T. Szőnyi, On the balanced upper chromatic number of finite projective planes, Discrete Maths. , (2021), Vol 344 (3) 112266, pdf
25) O. Janzer, A. Methuku, Z. L. Nagy, On the Turán number of the blow-up of the hexagon, Siam J. Discrete Mathematics, (2022) 36(2), 1187-1199. pdf
26) O. Janzer, Z. L. Nagy, Coloring linear hypergraphs: the Erdős-Faber-Lovász conjecture and the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, (2021),
27) D. Gerbner, Z.L. Nagy, M. Vizer,
Unified approach to the generalized Turán problem and supersaturation,
Discrete Mathematics, 345(3), 112743, (2022) pdf
28) D. Matolcsi, Z.L. Nagy, Generalized Outerplanar Turán numbers and maximum number of k-vertex subtrees, Discrete Applied Mathematics,
115-124, (2022) pdf
29) Z.L. Nagy, L. Szemerédi, Steiner triple systems and spreading sets in projective spaces, J. Combin Designs,30(8) 549-560 (2022) pdf
30) T. Héger, Z.L. Nagy, Short minimal codes and covering codes via strong blocking sets in projective spaces, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68(2), 881-890. (2021) pdf
31) P. Bärnkopf, Z.L. Nagy, Z. Paulovics, A note on internal partitions: the 5-regular case and beyond, Graphs and Combinatorics, 40:36 (2024) pdf
32) A. Imolay, J. Karl, Z.L. Nagy, B. Váli, Multicolor Turán numbers, Discrete Mathematics, (2022) 345(9), 112976 pdf
33) Benedek Kovács, Zoltán Lóránt Nagy, Multicolor Turán numbers II. - a generalization of the Ruzsa-Szemerédi theorem and new results on cliques and odd cycles, Journal of Graph Theory , (2024), 107(3), 629-641. ArXiv link
34) Dániel T. Nagy, Zoltán Lóránt Nagy, Russ Woodroofe, The extensible No-Three-In-Line problem, European Journal of Combinatorics,
114, December 2023, 103796 pdf
35) Benedek Kovács, Zoltán Lóránt Nagy, Avoiding intersections of given size in finite affine spaces
AG(n,2), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A , (2025), 209, 105959 ArXiv link
36) János Barát, Andrzej Grzesik, Attila Jung, Zoltán Lóránt
Nagy, Dömötör Pálvölgyi, The double Hall property and cycle covers in bipartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 347(9), 114079 (2024) ArXiv link
37) Gergely Kiss, Ádám Markó, Zoltán Lóránt
Nagy, Gábor Somlai, On polynomials of small range sum arXiv preprint, (2023) ArXiv link
38) Bence Csajbók, Z.L. Nagy, Complete 3-term arithmetic progression free sets of small size in vector spaces and other abelian groups. (2024)
arXiv preprint ArXiv link
39) Zoltán Lóránt
Nagy, Partitioning the projective plane to two incidence-rich parts, Journal of Combinatorial Designs (2024) 32(12)
703-714. ArXiv link
40) Tamás Héger, Z.L. Nagy Avoiding secants of given size in finite projective planes
Journal of Combin. Designs (2024) ArXiv link
41) Benedek Kovács, Zoltán Lóránt Nagy, Dávid R. Szabó, Blocking Planes by Lines in PG(n,q) (2024)
arXiv preprint ArXiv link
42) Benjamin Móricz, Z.L.Nagy, Maximizing the number of rational-value sums or zero-sums, (2024)
arXiv preprint ArXiv link
43) Benedek Kovács, Zoltán Lóránt Nagy, Dávid R. Szabó, Settling the no-(k+1)-in-line problem when k is not small, (2025) arXiv preprint ArXiv link